Closed today | RG Miller: Tsi Non:we Entewaha’hara’ne / Our Path ForwardFilm Screening Sept. 12, 6pm

Fibrous Extremities

March 5, 1993 - April 18, 1993

Fibrous Extremities features works by 14 female artists from Upstate New York exploring the versatility of fiber as a medium. The exhibited fiber methods include handmade paper, batik, printed and painted fabrics, quilted works, basketry, and weaving.


Susan J Blumendale, Kristine T. Bouyoucos, Joanne Segal Brandford, Rhonda Cunha, Judith Olson Gregory, Jan Jackson, Sue Johnson, Libby Kowalski, Nancy Kramer, Sue Krueger, Linda Magi, Miki Mand, Ruth Manning, Judith McNaly-Warner, Susan Ferrari Rowley, Judith Stein, Ann Watson
