Open Friday 12 – 9pm Members Exhibition Now Open!

Landscape Lottery by Jim Mott

October 5, 2018 - November 17, 2018

Opening Reception: October 5, 6-9pm

Mott's Landscape Lottery project uses a simple method (rolling a dice) for generating mathematically random GPS points within the quadrants of a defined map. He then goes to this randomly determined location to make his next landscape painting. The artist has long been intrigued by the idea of letting chance choose the locations where he paints and this has become the defining element for his work. The resulting paintings from Mott's Tucson Landscape Lottery can be seen here.

"Exercises like the Itinerant Artist Project and The Landscape Lottery have forced me to think outside my own familiar or conventional ways of seeing the city, and to tackle some unexpected subject matter. It also led to some memorable chance encounters with other people." –Jim Mott

About the Artist

Jim Mott is a nationally recognized artist based in Rochester, NY. He has a BA in Visual Studies and Religion from Dartmouth College and an MFA in Painting from the University of Michigan School of Art. He is best known for landscape paintings that combine sense of place with emotionally engaged, lively technique; and for his Itinerant Artist Project (IAP). He started the IAP – "exchanging art for hospitality across the USA" – in 2000. The project's several art road trips have generated tremendous personal productivity as well as popular interest and media attention.

This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by Livingston Arts Center, a member supported organization.


  • October 5, 2018 - November 17, 2018