Open Friday 12 – 9pm Members Exhibition Now Open!

The Knockout Artist

July 8, 2011 - July 9, 2011

Abraham Ferraro battles with his mechanical spring-loaded boxing machine, repeatedly getting punched in the face. Each blow leaves a mark, creating an abstract painting. The artist's 4’ x 11’ ring is a kinetic sculpture, complete with turnbuckles and ropes, teetering up and down. Ferraro is accompanied by a Ring Master, Round Girl, and "Paint Guy."

“Hard work and physical endurance are integral in my performances.”

-Abraham Ferraro

About the Artist

Abraham Ferraro (Troy, New York) is a sculptor and performance artist. His artworks are interactive performances which convey the struggle that artists undergo in order to perfect their craft. The pain that Ferraro endures becomes, in his eyes, equivalent to the pain artists must go through in order to create, promote, and sell their work.